Book Review: Getting to Yes

by Sebastian Herweg

Learn the principles of negotiation tactics and how to negotiate with other people.The book review of Getting to Yes will be worthwhile for all negotiators.

Getting to YES is one of the seminal works in the field of negotiations. It represents a clean, easy to read and accessible distillation of the art for both beginners and the experienced. The beginner will be introduced carefully and with crystal clarity to the principle centred approach espoused in the book. For the experienced it represents an excellent source of refreshment and reference.

At the time of the original publication this was regarded as a ground breaking work in describing and demystifying the world and the craft of the negotiator. Gone were the tricks as a sole basis for convincing individuals and in came the appreciation of principle and objectivity and reaching fair outcomes for all.

For anyone looking to improve their abilities or taking their first steps into the fluid world of negotiation this book will help you in demystifying and understanding what makes great negotiators. Identifying and avoiding the pitfalls and tactics that the unscrupulous might deploy becomes somewhat easier.

In addition every basic lesson ever learned by negotiators is discussed and well presented Don't bargain over positions, Separate people from the problem, Insist on objective criteria and Getting the other side to play. Of course the idea of Best Alternatives to a Negotiated Agreement is also discussed - effectively allowing either party to realize the point at which they do not want or cannot negotiate. This single concept is as important as knowing how to negotiate.

Getting to Yes has sold over two million copies worldwide in over 20 different languages. No other work on negotiation is as widely read as this one. If you have not read it - you should!

By Roger Fisher & William
Ury, with Bruce Patton Editor,
First Published 1981 reprinted
1999, Random House Business
Books, ISBN 1-8441-3146-7,
Second edition

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