Questions & Answers

This section is devoted to sharing with you negotiation and sales questions posed by visitors, together with answers given by our professional negotiating skills training consultants. If you have a question that is not addressed in this section, please use the 'Ask an Expert' link - we will answer for free within a few days. If you prefer, pick up the phone and chat with one of our friendly consultants.

I just want to have some advice on how to negotiate with forei...

Are there any advantages or disadvantages for a wide or large bargaini...

I am interested in the negotiation field. Please send me a check ...

How do I persuade customers and write a report to my manager? My custo...

How do I negotiate a pay rise?

I love negotiating, what are my career options once I complete the cour...

I am seeking to buy a business in Ireland, I need to buy this ...


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